Attendance is mandatory during all semesters of study. The minimum attendance required is 75% in each semester; however attendance marks are based on regularity of attendance. Therefore students must attain 100% attendance in the class.
Smoking and use of intoxications in the premises of the trust is strictly prohibited. This is applicable to students and staff alike.
The institute fee is required to be deposited twice a year-semester wise.
The students must attend classes regularly and on time. Late entry in the class is forbidden except with the special permission from H.O.D.
There is a disciplinary committee in each institute which deals with the cases of violation of Institute rules, regulations, policies and any other code of conduct. After due deliberation and investigation, the Disciplinary Committee recommends correctives, which may include fine, suspension and expulsion.
Ragging in any form id strictly prohibited in the trust and outside campus of the trust. Any students involves in ragging shall be deal with as per the guidelines issued by honorable Supreme Court wherein the punishment might include expulsion from the institute.
Any student desirous of seeking accommodation in the institute hostel should apply on the prescribed from to the administrative office, at the time of admission to the institute. However, the application made for accommodation, does not guarantee allotment of hostel accommodation. Hostel fee once deposited shall not be refundable.
There is a class committee for every course. The committee consist of HOD as a chairperson, course teacher as a member and five students representative from the class. Its role functions and duties shall be formulated under the guidelines of each head of institute.
Visitors are allowed only to the administrative block. Visitors will carry “Visitor Slip” during visit to the institute. The visitor’s slip shall be withdrawn at the end of each visit. A record of visitors shall be maintained by a member of faculty detailed for the purpose.